The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is an open- Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) là nền tảng mã
The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is an open- Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) là nền tảng mã
The project is based on BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. Dự án dựa trên BOINC, cơ sở hạ tầng Open Berkeley cho mạng máy tính.
The most common distributed computing middleware is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC). Middleware tính toán mạng lưới phổ biển nhất là Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC).
The most common distributed computing middleware is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC). Middleware tính toán mạng lưới phổ biển nhất là Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC).